Monday, May 6, 2013

Finding You Real Dream

Thinking back to when I was in high school, I remember all the dreams I had for my life and none of them included living in Missouri, marrying a farmer, or having a chronic illness. I was sure I would always live in California, become a famous writer, marry a movie star, drive a brand new sports car, live in a mansion and live a very happy life.  As each year passed by, I adjusted my dreams. I soon learned that missing a day of school just met that I received an absent on my school record, but missing a day of work met a day without pay. Bills no longer were addressed to my parents, they were addressed to me. New cars equaled payments and higher insurance. The bigger the house the more it cost to keep it up and the longer it took to clean. Again I adjusted my dreams.

Being rich and famous took a backseat to being able to support myself and finding someone that loved me for the person I am. In time, I discovered that you can’t find happiness. Happiness is a state of mind. No matter your circumstances only you can choose whether to focus on the good or the bad. My preference is to look for the good and make the most out of whatever life sends my way. So you may ask am I living the dream. Yes, not the one I had in my younger years. I am living dream that is better than anything I could have thought up.

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